HEIDENHAIN automation partners

Our hardware and software solutions for the Digital Shop Floor, along with our numerous control functions, enable the smart, convenient, and customized networking of HEIDENHAIN controls within digitalized production processes and automation systems. Are you planning an automation project? The online platform of the HEIDENHAIN Automation Partners gives you access to componetent partners and inspiring sample solutions for your individual project. You can also submit project queries.

HEIDENHAIN automation partners:
Competent advisory support for a high security of investment

HEIDENHAIN is firmly anchored within the machine tool industry as an innovative partner with a strong tradition. Our automation partner program helps our customers deeply integrate their controls into an automated production environment. The HEIDENHAIN automation partners include software providers, automation system providers, and turnkey providers. Together, we tailor customers’ projects to their unique circumstances, implementing their projects within the shortest possible time for higher productivity and greater process efficiency in a digital production environment.

Contact person – Sales

International Sales

+49 8669 31-3142


The software solutions for the Digital Shop Floor, the Connected Machining package of functions for HEIDENHAIN controls, and our services for digitalizing your processes support you in implementing uniformly digital job management in a networked production environment, including vertical integration with enterprise resource planning systems. Workpieces and tools are always available at the machine when needed, ensuring that all processes run smoothly and without interruption. This brings high productivity to your automated production environment, letting you leverage the full benefits of a digital shop floor.

To submit a project query, you can contact the following automation partners directly:

Turnkey suppliers

Cellro develops solutions for an intelligent, automated production environment featuring modularity and flexibility. Within it, humans and machines work together to achieve optimal efficiency. Small and medium-sized machining companies can maximize their profitability.

Automation example

ProjectAutomation of a GF Mikron HSM 600 machining center with a HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 control
Project startJanuary 2017
Project endAugust 2017
ApplicationCellro Compact 1500
City, country6336 Langkampfen, Austria
IndustrySupplier for metal removal machining
Products deployed 
  • Cellro Compact 1500
  • GF Mikron HSM 600
At a glanceVarious types of products were to be manufactured in the machining center. These products were to be automatically clamped onto one or more pallets and completely machined. The customer desired an automation solution in combination with the machine from a single provider. This was possible through Cellro and GF Machining Solutions.
Benefits for  customerGreater spindle efficiency on the machine and higher production capacity. It was possible to manufacture in a single shift, rather than two, as well as over the weekend, which was the main requirement.
Contact person Cellro: Michiel van Buul
Contact personsales@cellro.com


EROWA is known for its workholding systems and advisory services in process automation. The company’s “Flexible Manufacturing Concept” forms the basis of its state-of-the art automation solutions for small-batch and single-part production. CERTA Systems GmbH provides the necessary software and process advising. The process control system from CERTA can be integrated into all common applications from the CAD/CAM and ERP/PPS worlds and automates workflows involving machine tools, measuring machines, robots, and handling equipment in a production setting.

Automation example

ProjectAutomation of a Fehlmann 5-axis milling center with an EROWA Robot Dynamic 150 Linear
Project startApril 2017
Project endAugust 2017
ApplicationProduction of parts ranging from delicate watch parts to high-quality aerospace components
CompanyHelfenstein Mechanik AG
City, country6055 Alpnach / Schweiz
Industry Aerospace, medical technology, gas detection technology, watch industry, machine-building industry
Products deployed 


  • Fehlmann Versa 825 with a HEIDENHAIN TNC 640


  • EROWA Robot Dynamic 150 Linear
  • EROWA UPC chucks and UPC pallets
  • EROWA rack magazine
  • EROWA loading station

Process control system

  • EROWA JMS 4.0 ProductionLine
At a glanceThis flexible, lean, and extremely user-friendly automation solution enhances the machine, making it a highly productive machining cell with “Made in Switzerland” quality.
Benefits for customer
  • Significant increase in machine uptime while providing the flexibility needed for handling short-notice orders
  • Completely unmanned production outside normal operating hours and on weekends
  • Fully automated production of demanding, complex prototypes and small-batch workpieces
  • Exceptionally user-friendly equipment operation

EROWA AG: Alois Bättig

Fastems is a producer of factory automation systems, providing flexible production systems, robot-supported automation solutions, production control software, portal systems, and interlinked systems. The company's RoboFMS ONE pallet automation system, for example, combines the advantages of an industrial robot with those of a flexible production system.

Automation example

ProjectAutomation solution for two machining centers for parts production starting with lot size one
Project end2017
ApplicationFastems FastWizard
City, country48356 Nordwalde, Germany
IndustrySystem provider of mechanical milling technology for lot size one and small series of high-quality, high-accuracy workpieces and components
Products deployed
  • Two 5-axis DMC 60 H milling machines with the HEIDENHAIN TNC 640
  • Storage lift system
  • Fanuc robot
  • Vise shelf
  • Vise station
  • Centering station
  • Turnover station
  • Buffer stations for preclamped workpieces
  • Host computer system
  • HEIDENHAIN DNC interface
  • NC program creation, including robot control in the CAM system
At a glance
  • Fully automated 6-sided milling starting with lot size one
  • Around-the-clock production, seven days a week with merely conventional, single-shift operation for the machine operator
  • Flexible inclusion of urgent jobs into the planned production sequence
Benefits for customer
  • Increased productivity
  • Less burden on staff
  • High flexibility in job planning
Project link

Report from Klartext 68

PROMOT Automation was founded in the town of Roitham am Traunfall in Upper Austria in 1980. The company specializes in machine tool automation, with a focus on users who machine metals. The versatile module system from PROMOT enables adaptable, fully automated workpiece, pallet and tool handling with the aim of reducing production cost per part.

Automation example

ProjectAutomation of machining centers and lathes for small-batch production, including lot size 1
Project start2013, PROMOT delivered seven automation solutions
Project end2020
CompanyWeber Maschinenbau GmbH
  • Palmaster RL
  • Palmaster SL
  • Portallader LP
City, countryHesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
IndustryMachines for the food-processing industry
Products deployed
  • KUKA 6-axis robot with linear system
  • Kardex XP250 vertical lift system
  • Buffer station for pre-clamped workpieces
  • Staging area
  • HEIDENHAIN DNC interface 
  • Creation of NC programs in CAD/CAM
  • MES interface for production data exchange
  • Milling machines from DMG with the HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 and iTNC 530 controls
At a glance
  • Production of several thousand different parts and variants
  • Unattended manufacturing
  • Small-batch production, including lot size 1
  • Decoupling of manual setup tasks from machining processes in the machine
Benefits for customers
  • 24/7 operation: the machine pallet storage unit supplies the machines even during unattended shifts; machine operators only work in two-shift system
  • Very high maximum machine spindle efficiency (> 7000 hours/year)
  • Collection of machine and operating data for analytics and optimization 
  • Standardized operating design with ProHMI for all systems
  • Customized software features
  • Extensibility of the automated systems for additional machines
Contact person

Thomas Burger

Manufacturing-control systems are the core expertise of SOFLEX. With its control technology, SOFLEX offers a complete portfolio of software products for entry into digital production control, from dynamic, detailed planning and job control all the way to fully automated workpiece and resource provision.

Automation example

ProjectManufacturing-control system at Merz Maschinenfabrik
Project startJuly 2014
Project endMarch 2015 (first stage)
ApplicationSOFLEX control system version PCS 4
CompanyMerz Maschinenfabrik GmbH
City, country72379 Hechingen, Germany
IndustriesMachine building, single-cylinder circular knitting machines and automated circular knitting machines for the production of medical stockings and compression products
Products deployed
  • SOFLEX control system version PCS 4
  • Interface to CAD/CAM system for the exchange of NC program and tool data

Automated equipment:

  • Two machining centers with the HEIDENHAIN TNC 640
  • Two machining centers with the HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530
  • Four setup stations for automated material provision
  • Robot on a linear axis
  • Shelf as storage/buffer for workpieces and materials

Automated stand-alone machine:

  • Machining center with pallet pool and the HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530
At a glance

Project started in June 2014:

  • Construction of the automated system with setup stations, storage shelf, robot, and four already existing machines with a pallet pool (control: HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530)

Alteration in April 2017:

  • One machining center was removed from the automated system and continued to be operated as a stand-alone automated machine remaining integrated in the control system

Alteration in October 2017:

  • Integration of a new machining center (control: HEIDENHAIN TNC 640) into the automated system

Alteration in April 2018:

  • One of the older, already existing machines was replaced by a new machining center with a HEIDENHAIN TNC 640  
Benefits for customer
  • Integration into the internal corporate digital data stream
  • 24/7 production: the storage space with machine pallets enables provisioning of the machine even during unattended shifts
  • Shorter cycle times for production jobs thanks to dynamic prioritization based on delivery dates
  • Automated production starting with lot size one
  • Time savings for setup processes thanks to the automated provisioning of raw materials to the setup stations
  • Manufacturing quality optimization thanks to guided processes and the visualization of additional data at the setup stations
  • Machine and operating data acquisition for subsequent evaluation and optimization
Project link
Contact personsSOFLEX: Johannes Haar, Johannes Klaiber


System suppliers

Indunorm Bewegungstechnik is a supplier of linear motion technology and handling systems. Indumatik workpiece changers automatically load the machine tool with blanks and remove the finished parts, including during unattended shifts. Indunorm provides advisory services for the automation of existing and new equipment. It also both plans and produces tailored solutions as a single-source provider.

Automation example

ProjectAutomation of a machining center with Batch Process Manager from HEIDENHAIN and Indumatik® Light 120
Project startJanuary 2019
Project endJune 2019
ApplicationProduction of single parts and small series
CompanyDESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH
City, country28832 Achim / Germany
Industry Specialty machine manufacturer with in-house production
Products deployed 
  • Hedelius Acura 65EL
  • Indumatik® Light 120
  • HEIDENHAIN Batch Process Manager
At a glance
  • Pallet automation for flexible manufacturing with different types of workholding
  • Flexible automation solution for single parts and small series
Customer Advantages
  • Unattended third-shift loading of pallets into the machine
  • Low machine cost per hour due to unattended shift
  • Increased productivity thanks to high spindle operating times
  • Setup during machining
  • Easy operation thanks to Batch Process Manager from HEIDENHAIN
Contact information

Indunorm Bewegungstechnik GmbH,

Desma Schuhmaschinen GmbH,

ZERO CLAMP develops and produces premium products for machining technology. Its applications are turning, milling, grinding, electrical discharge machining, and measurement. A recent addition to the ZERO CLAMP product portfolio is the Zerobot loading robot for the automation of production processes. Featuring a flexible handling system, the robot is made for automated parts production in small and medium-sized series starting at around five parts.

Automation example

ProjectHermle C250 U automation
Project startMarch 2017
Project endApril 2017
ApplicationIn-house production (of ZERO CLAMP products)
City, countryBruckmühl, Germany
Industry Machine building
Products deployed 
  • Zerobot 100-P with two workpiece racks
  • Hermle C250 with rotary transmission and a HEIDENHAIN TNC 640
  • Machine table with a ZERO CLAMP TK 200/4 A automatic base unit
At a glance
  • Blank handling with pneum. centric clamping device 160
  • Pallet handling for second-side machining
  • Clamping device handling
  • Handling of preloaded, narrow parts in centric clamping device 80
Benefits for customer
  • Increased machine operating time (unattended shifts)
  • Greater efficiency, more efficient staff deployment, automation of simple loading work
Contact person ZERO CLAMP, Markus Koppenhöfer

Software suppliers

The software manufacturer EVO Informationssysteme develops software solutions exclusively for the manufacturing industry. Its products include the PPS/ERP software EVOcompetition, the production data and documentation management system EVOjetstream, and the machine data acquisition software EVOperformance.

ProjectDigitalization and networked production
ApplicationEVO industrial software
Products deployed 
  • EVOcompetition (ERP/PPS system)
  • EVOworkforce (PTT/HRM system)
  • EVOteamwork (messenger system)
  • EVOjetstream (EDM/DMS system)
  • EVOtools (tool management)
  • EVOperformance (PDA/MDA system)
  • EVOcrosstalk (EAI system)
At a glance
  • Software solutions for medium-sized manufacturing companies
  • Modular system
  • Machine- and system-independent
Benefits for customer
  • Process analysis
  • Digitalization of processes
  • Networking of machines and systems
Project linkhttps://www.evo-solutions.com/en/evo-informationssysteme-gmbh
Contact person EVO Informationssysteme, Mr. Jürgen Widmann

EVOMECS is an independent software provider for the manufacturing industry, adopting a cross-system and cross-machine approach. The EVOMECS software suite incorporates all relevent manufacturing elements for complete production process digitalization. Solutions from EVOMECS unlock important opportunities to improve efficiency while meaningfully enhancing workplace quality. 

Automation example


Digitalization and complete linkage of in-house moldmaking to serial manufacturing

Project startDecember 7, 2018
Project endJune 30, 2023
  • Job management
  • Job planning
  • Milling
  • Tool management
CompanyESCHA GmbH & Co. KG
City, Country58553 Halver / Germany
IndustriesIndustrial connectivity, in-house production equipment manufacturing

Products deployed


  • Zeiss Contura G2
  • Zeiss Vista
  • Zoller Venturion 450 (Pilot 4)
  • Fehlmann Picomax 56 (TNC 620)
  • Fehlmann Versa 945 (TNC 640) with RM256
  • Robot cell (GIBAS) with EROWA-UPC320, ITS148, ITS50 and automated pallet-cleaning machine


Software applications:

  • Cimatron E16
  • Zeiss U-Soft Solid
  • Zeiss Calypso Preset
  • EVOMECS ProjectManager v3.1.16.110
  • EVOMECS ToolManager v3.1.16.110
  • EVOMECS MachineAnchor v3.0.11.9
  • EVOMECS ControlCenter v1.0.1.27
  • EVOMECS InfrastructureManager v3.1.4.6
  • EVOMECS LinkApp v3.0.4.6

At a glance

Project launch in December 2018:

  • Defining data-continuity requirements for areas ranging from job creation and CAD to individual workstations
  • Defining interfaces in the process chain
  • Interface and design planning of the software and hardware infrastructure

Go-live of the MES system in February 2021:

  • Job creation in ProjectManager
  • MES for design and programming teams
  • Complete management of job documentation in the EVOMECS system


Conventional deployment of MES throughout the moldmaking department starting in September 2021:

  • Complete workflow planning within the system
  • Scheduling within the system
  • Use of tablets and workstations for validating tasks


Preparatory work for tool management, MECS and job management starting in September 2022:

  • Connecting the CAM library to EVOMECS ToolManager
  • Connecting Zoller Venturion 450 to EVOMECS MachineAnchor
  • Integration of Fehlmann Picomax 56 as a stand-alone machine in full-MECS mode
  • Integration of Fehlmann Versa 945 including robot in full job-management mode
  • Digital warehouse managent of all required components in the process (scanning parts for storage locations)
  • Workpiece datum-finding using a Zeiss Vista and Zeiss Contura


Go-live of tool management, MECS and job management in February 2023:

  • Automatic sorting of tasks based on job planning
  • Machine startup through drag-and-drop of task cards on taskboard (on any device) 
  • Management of rework, scrap and mid-program startup in part programs
  • Tool-life monitoring and tracking
  • Analysis of individual mold histories, and drawing insights from data
  • Intuitive and optimized machine setup process


Process-data reporting launched in July 2023:

  • Reporting of process data from start to finish of job
  • Analysis of scrap, rework and tool-breakage causes
  • Determining idle time throughout the process and eliminating causes

Benefits for customer

  • Data continuitiy from start to finish of job
  • Moving master data via parts list from CAD to article master data of EVOMECS ProjectManager
  • Synchronization and consolidation of the CAM tool library
  • NC program analysis in CAM after program import
    • Notification for deleted tools
    • Notification for incorrect M-codes
    • Proper machine selection in CAM based on resource planning of staff
  • Automatic external tool measurement based on tool geometries from CAM
  • Transferring tool data to the machine without manual effort
  • Automatic program transmission to machine
  • Radius and length compensation after program end
  • Rework and scrap management
    • Radius and length compensation via digital task card
  • Mid-program startup at the desired operation
    • Mid-program startup for rework by placing cursor
  • Monitoring and display of production-resource storage locations
  • Tool-history logging
  • Creation of discrepancy lists based on current workload (required, available, not needed)
  • Replacement-tool management based on planned jobs
  • Reporting of all collected process data

Project link

Contact persons


Benjamin Unruh, b.unruh@escha.net



Benjamin Neubauer, benjamin.neubauer@evomecs.com

Since 2014, Reniver has been developing innovative solutions for networked manufacturing with an emphasis on intelligent communication systems. This especially includes data sharing between machines, measuring systems and software for process planning and manufacturing.

Automation example

ProjectConnecting NC controls to an MES at Sirris
Project startFebruary 2024
Project endAugust 2024
ApplicationAutomation and data intelligence
City, countryThor par Genk, Belgium
IndustryDiscrete manufacturing
Products deployed
  • Fehlmann PicoMax 825 VERSA machining center with a HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 control
  • HEIDENHAIN DNC (software option 18)
  • Reniver DNC Gateway
  • Ignition MES
  • ProfitPlus ERP
At a glance

Sirris wanted to create a Digital Product Passport (DPP) for each of its manufactured power banks. This required linking all machines, including the machining centers. 

By linking all machines, Sirris is able to reliably track manufacturing times, NC program run times, override settings, machine messages and other important data.

Machine monitoring also provides benefits such as centralized alarm management, reduced downtime and the ability to determine key metrics regarding performance, availability and quality.

Benefits for customer

Thanks to the DNC Gateway from Reniver, all important CNC data can be linked directly to the MES. Sirris reaps the following benefits:


Seamless integration into the MES / ERP system:

NC data can now be shared across the company, enabling improved synchronization among systems.


Lean manufacturing:

Process and job planning can be optimized thanks to newly gained insights into actual machining times, machine statuses and machine downtime. 


Less downtime:

Staff can react faster to errors and reduce downtime thanks to centralized alarm management.  


Optimized visibility:

The precise tracking of production times and parameters for every product enables deep insight into production quality and improved process control. 

Project linkhttps://www.reniver.eu/sirris-use-case/
Contact personMaarten Reekmans
+32 485 94 04 20

Service providers

RSConnect provides service solutions surrounding digital manufacturing. The company excels at digital retrofitting, predictive maintenance, energy data collection, StateMonitor setup and operation, and technology such as OPC UA, MQTT and web services. Its expertise includes the extraction, processing and transmission of data from HEIDENHAIN solutions and other systems to higher-level IT systems (MES or ERP). In this context, 5G wireless technology offers new potential for everything from efficient networking to digital business models. RSConnect is a technology partner for implementation, with an impressive range of services and many years of experience.

Sample application

ProjectConnecting machine data to StateMonitor: transparent processing of machine utilization and energy distribution data for a total of 18 systems with milling machines, lathes, and spraying machines from various manufacturers, as well as the required hardware modifications and parameter configurations
Project startOctober 11, 2021
Project endOctober 15, 2021

Machining of components for industrial motor and automation technology

CompanyLTN Servotechnik GmbH
City, country83624 Otterfing, Deutschland
IndustryMachine building industry, parts for various machines and systems
Products deployed
  • Hardware expansions for machine electrical cabinets
  • Implementation of an interface with a modern software architecture for outputting the available machine data via Ethernet
  • If data could not be output, then identification of the desired signals from circuit diagrams and extraction directly from the electronics, including interpretation and usage
  • Acquisition of energy data by means of transformers and voltage measurement
  • Transmission of all collected data to StateMonitor via OPC UA
At a glance
  • No alteration of the machine controls; all required signals permit decoupled access and output. The system’s product guarantee is therefore unaffected
  • Despite high individual costs, a fixed quote was made
  • RSConnect acted as a full-service supplier, even handling electronic technology coordination with maintenance as well as IT coordination, setup of the data points in StateMonitor and operator training
Benefits for customer
  • The customer can now use the collected data to determine important information such as job and machine costs
  • These data also support well-informed investment decisions
Contact personRSConnect